Do You Know the Code?

By Peter Mason, Vice Chair

In 2018, AMC updated its Code of Conduct (“the Code”) to better reflect the organization’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).  The Code is meant to help guide and inspire behavior that creates a welcoming community.

The Code applies across the AMC community, including employees, volunteer leaders, members, program participants, guests, and visitors.  It applies to interactions that take place across our operations, including on trips, programs and trainings; at AMC owned or operated facilities, in meetings whether in person or online, and in written and oral communications.  In other words, this code applies in every area of AMC – whether inside, outside, or online.

The heart of the Code is the Standards of Conduct which are as follows:

“In every context, the people of AMC will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with AMC’s mission and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) values and in a way which is not detrimental to AMC, its members, the public or staff, and which will provide the highest level of enjoyment in the activities and other events sponsored by AMC. With this in mind, individuals will:

§  Uphold a community built on mutual trust, integrity, and dignity for all, where issues are addressed in a respectful and inclusive manner. Involve staff and volunteer leadership as appropriate.

§  Conduct and participate in AMC sponsored activities while prioritizing personal and group safety and minimizing the associated risks

§  Respect the outdoors and the many ways people connect with one another and with natural places

§  Remain free from conflicts of interest

§  Follow all policies/rules as applicable, internal or external

§  Represent the AMC and its mission in a positive, professional, and respectful manner

We encourage the involvement of all people in our mission and activities through membership, program participation, facility visitation, and volunteerism. Our goal is to be a community which values kindness, and is comfortable, inviting, and accessible for people with a broad range of identities and backgrounds.”

If you see or experience something that you think may not align with the Code of Conduct, please send a report to AMC through:

§  Email:

§  Regular mail: AMC, Attention: Code of Conduct, 10 City Square, Boston, MA 02129

§  Phone: 617/391-6626

This information helps improve our training and our understanding of where AMC needs to improve. We follow up as needed, we work to create positive outcomes for all involved by taking a coaching and mentoring approach.

We encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the Code and to abide by it in all things AMC.  For the full text of the Code of Conduct, click here:


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